
  • Taking stock of our inboxes

    Taking stock of our inboxes

    We live in a very busy world. As small as we’re perceiving our world to be in many ways (eg: communicating across the globe in an instant, being able to keep track of friends and family regardless of their location, getting instant insight into the worlds of others, and sharing insights from within our own…

  • Doing what works versus the customer experience

    Doing what works versus the customer experience

    Every so often, I hear a story which makes no sense. “We put a huge popup banner on our website, and our sales increased by 15%”, “we slowed down our website, and our sales funnel converted 2% better”. While these sentences may make technical sense, they’re odd to wrap one’s brain around, as they shouldn’t…

  • Understanding and managing expectations, based on who your customer is

    “Jobs to be Done” is a framework often used for making effective product decisions. The intention is to understand what your customer is “hiring” your product to do. For example, we hire our email client (Outlook, Gmail, etc) to provide clear and easy access to our email. If that ever stops happening, we’d hire a…

  • Evaluating and optimising my time while learning

    Evaluating and optimising my time while learning

    I’m someone who enjoys gathering as much information as possible on a topic, as I enjoy the context. Practically, this often translates to picking up a new podcast (for example) and starting right at the beginning (even if there are hundreds of episodes). I feel this helps to provide context for where the podcast began,…

  • There’s always room for one more; thoughts on competition

    There’s always room for one more; thoughts on competition

    Thoughts on competition, competing in a saturated market, and a theory on how to ignite an “old” or “boring” idea.

  • Acknowledging what we already know, when making decisions

    When making decisions, I’ve found it can be quite easy to get into a “bikeshedding” scenario, where the deciding parties lose track of the actual decision to be made. This can be internal, or within a group. Something I’ve found particularly useful and interesting recently is to acknowledge what we already know and how we…