
General thoughts, ideas, musings and ramblings about life and all things random. Essentially, anything that’s not specific to the other categories.

  • The discovery of blogging

    I find blogging to be such a unique and interesting medium for communication. Share news, thoughts and information with the world and interact with those who comment on your writings. This, on the surface, seems like a somewhat well-known concept. The question is, is it?

  • How to stop gym from being scary

    To many people, the thought of going to gym is great. To many others, the thought is daunting. “I don’t need the gym; I’ll just run around my road a few times a week.” This is such a common thought. Why, though, is the thought of going to gym so scary for many? Before, I…

  • Blogging techniques- Daily Blogging

    Wow, it’s already approximately half way through 2009. That’s incredible. This June, I decided to try a blogging “style” I had yet to try: daily blogging. I decided that, given the mid-year nature of the month, it was time to try something fresh and new to me. I made a conscious point of blogging daily…

  • Train your brain using the Nintendo DS

    The Nintendo DS range of console, while primarily being hand-held gaming consoles, are also incredibly useful for non-gaming tasks. One such task is training your brain. This could also fall under the category of “edutainment” as it involves mini-games. I recently got “Dr. Kawashima’s Brain Training – How old is your brain?“ for Nintendo DSlite.…

  • A few ingredients for a perfect Sunday

    Whether it’s Winter or Summer, hot or cold, Sundays are days that seem to take on a mind of their own. They can be both relaxing and lazy as well as productive and motivating at the same time. I thought I’d share a few ingredients that make a perfect Sunday for me. Tea. Tea comes…

  • Create your own Wordle

    This is awesome. I was just emailed a link (thanks to The Ham) to Wordle, a “toy for generating ‘word clouds’ from text that you provide”. You can either provide it with text of your own, a website that contains an RSS or Atom feed or a Delicious username. Wordle will then take the provided…