Reflections on my crown birthday

Traditionally in South Africa, the year which corresponds to the date of your birthday is referred to as your “crown birthday”. While I’m not certain of any special significance other than the “once in a lifetime” nature of a crown birthday, I feel it important to reflect on the year past and on what awaits in the year ahead.

This past year has been the toughest I’ve yet had to endure. Having to re-discover aspects of myself, while also keep certain aspects of myself at bay at times. This has certainly been a time of great reflection and introspection. Taking a good hard look at every area of my life, where I’m headed and where I’ve come from.

Looking to the year ahead, the sun certainly is shining. With myself well on my way to achieving my desired goals, with loads of new and exciting happenings in life, I’m sure this year ahead is set to be a whirlwind of excitement.

While I’m not much one for going over the top with celebrations on a day such as my own birthday (I love celebrating everyone elses’ though), I feel it’s important to mark unique moments in one’s life and at the same time to extract as much reflection and learning from those moments. Today being my crown birthday, I feel is a great time to do just that. Turning 29 on the 29th happens but once in a lifetime.

Here’s to an exciting whirlwind of a year ahead!


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