WordPress Widgets

Creative WordPress widgets, how to construct them and how they can be useful to WordPress users.

  • Integrate tinyMCE into a WordPress widget

    So, the native WordPress text widget is great, right? It allows users to insert virtually any form of content into a widget, provided they either want plain text or know a bit of HTML. The fact that this widget can be used in multiple instances is also awesome. Recently, I’ve needed to provide a bit…

  • Custom WordPress Widget – Recent Posts

    I’ve just finished the first round of coding of a widget idea I had for my blog this afternoon. This widget is to display recent posts. Yeah, I know, a “recent posts” widget comes bundled with WordPress. This widget is different. 🙂 In a short sentence, this widget does the following: “Give me a maximum…

  • The first post

    Here it is, at long last. “Lost In Mattyville” is live. 🙂 I have, over the last few months, been experimenting with several ideas for themes, content, an approach, etc…and here it is, version 1.0 of “Lost In Mattyville”. On this blog, I intend to discuss trends in technology, design, the web, music, WordPress and…