TwitterLeague – The follower count showdown

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There is a running debate amongst Twitter users regarding follower count. Some prefer to have quality over quantity, while others want as many followers as possible. If you’re part of the latter, TwitterLeague is for you.

TwitterLeague is a service that creates groups of people (leagues) competing for the highest follower count. Users sign into TwitterLeague and create leagues of tweeters, forming a mini competition.

How does TwitterLeague work?

To show how TwitterLeague works, I created a league below of Capetonian tweeters from my Twitterstream*.

What’s the point of TwitterLeague?

TwitterLeague is, as I see it, purely for entertainment. Having a large follower count on Twitter doesn’t mean your content is better than the next person… it just means you have more potential eyeballs on your content. Mainly, it’s always nice to have a bit of competitive fun with friends.

* If you want to be removed from the league, please give me a shout via Twitter DM or via the contact page to be removed. Also, if you would like to be added to the league, do the same. ๐Ÿ™‚

Twitter’s API has been used extensively by a variety of services, from applications to monitor your Twitterstream, all the way through to an exclusive “hot or not” style website for the Twitterverse. TwitterLeague is another interesting use of Twitter’s API. I’m interested to see what comes out next.

Have you used TwitterLeague or any other interesting Twitter services? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.


5 responses to “TwitterLeague – The follower count showdown”

  1. Ye, it’s a pretty cool tool, but nothing amazing, not too sure how long it’ll stick around for to be honest. I got myself added just for the hell of it, basically to see how cool I am ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Yeah, it’s not the most complex tool out there. I don’t think the idea behind it was to be that though. It’s more of a very specific tool for a specific purpose of competing with follower count. More for niche projects…or leagues. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Matty,

    Thanks for the awesome review of Twitterleague! Your totally right about the reason it was created. I made it in just under a week as a little challenge for myself and isn’t meant to be ground breaking or anything, just for fun and to see if anyone else was addicted to getting new followers! But it’s great to see people enjoying it :).


    1. Hi Ollie,
      Thanks for the comment. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Thanks also for the clarification. TwitterLeague is great fun. I can see how it could get quite tense in “competition mode”. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Have you got any other Twitter services on the cards?

      1. I do have a couple of ideas in mind. One of which I am working on, follow me on twitter for updates ;). It should be ready in the next few weeks. I will let you into a secret, it’s to do with Football (soccer), Rugby and Motorsport. With other sports coming soon after :).

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