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To enjoy something or someone carries with it such a pronounced and clear meaning in today’s world. The dictionary definition of “enjoy”, described below, uses words such as “receive”, and “have”. Possessive words, often associated with material objects, things, possessions, and personal fulfillment.



v.en·joyed, en·joy·ing, en·joys


  1. To receive pleasure or satisfaction from.
  2. To have the use or benefit of: enjoys good health.

During my morning reading, and while meditating on the concept of joy and enjoyment, I cross-referenced other “en-” and “em-” words (“embolden”, for example) and would like to propose an alternative meaning for “enjoy”.

To “embolden” someone with something is to impart it to them. For example, to “embolden someone with courage” is to give them courage. I believe the same can be true for enjoyment.



v.en·joyed, en·joy·ing, en·joys


  1. To give/impart pleasure or satisfaction to.
  2. To give the use or benefit of.

To “enjoy” something is to bring joy to that experience, rather than taking joy from the experience. Joy, like all other emotions, is a choice we can make consciously.

Today, I choose to impart joy with my day.


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