
General thoughts about topics of the moment, life and anything that pops into my head, really.

  • Re-thinking the concept of the “impossible”

    In today’s society, it seems to be a common occurrence to use the word “impossible”. For example, after climbing a mountain, one might say something like; “wow, that was impossible”. No it wasn’t… you just did it. Nowadays we seem to have a tendency to over-exaggerate (pardon the tautology there) and, in many cases, start to believe what…

  • Musicians know how to promote

    When making observations, I make a point of looking at and learning from both positive and negative observations… taking the lessons and learning from them. I also quite enjoy relating one industry to another, taking a lesson or observation from a certain industry and applying it to another. Today’s topic is around promotion, pushing your…

  • E-mail is broken

    While sitting down to write what was likely to be a completely different blog post, I found myself compelled to write this, so here goes… E-mail, as a technology, is broken… and we broke it. E-mail (electronic mail) was originally intended as a means of sending messages digitally in a similar form as a posted…

  • Growth through Discussion

    It is said by many that attending conferences and meet-ups is an important part of developing oneself in a particular industry, and of developing one’s skills set. Surrounding oneself with knowledgable and experienced individuals can go a long way towards developing skills and a knowledge base. At many such conferences, I’ve heard successful businessmen and…

  • Project 365 – The Road So Far

    As I mentioned in my new year’s post a few days ago, one of my new years resolutions is to blog more. I, therefore, decided to have Project 365 a try and to write a blog post every day for the year. So far, the journey (pfff… it’s been only 5 days) has been interesting.…

  • Re-thinking “Uncategorized” in WordPress

    As WordPress users soon come to realise after setting up their website, a few defaults are loaded in. These defaults include a test “Hello World” post with a comment from Mr. WordPress, a “Sample Page’ with some text and instructions and the “Uncategorized” category, amongst the various default “Links” data and “Blogroll” category. Having given…