
Tips and tricks to do with various things. Does what it says on the tin.

  • Crafting meaningful customer relationships

    When setting up a service or product-based business, there is a concept referred to as “lock in”, where the customer buys in to your ecosystem and, as they add products to their purchase history, it becomes increasingly more difficult to switch away to a competitor. While corresponding over an email chain with friends this morning,…

  • Maximizing the value of customer feedback

    Since appointing Patrick as our dedicated WooCommerce Product Manager towards the end of 2014, I’ve been able to view some really insightful feedback from customers, without customers even realising they’re providing this feedback. One of the tasks I assigned to Patrick was to conduct regular in-person user testing of WooCommerce, in order to pinpoint common…

  • Create customer loyalty through storytelling

    Thoughts on storytelling and using your story to foster customer loyalty.

  • On Knowledge Sharing and Being Frank

    For the past few months, I’ve been following the “Advanced WordPress” group on Facebook. I joined the group thinking I would be exposed to advanced questions around WordPress development work. What is it that they say about assumptions, again? 🙂 Through observation, it is apparent that the group is more focussed around advanced uses of…

  • Achieve any goal (and track your progress) with Lift

    Lets face it, we all have those tasks in life that we with we did more often- “I should really blog more”, is one of mine (hence this blog post). Sometimes, we have surges of motivation in which we begin our good habit-forming tasks, only to forget about them a few moments later. The big…

  • Set a custom rewrite rule for author archives in WordPress

    In the comments of my post on custom rewrite rules in WordPress, I received a query regarding creating author profile URLs using a rewrite convention of “/profile“. The WordPress author archives are a great way to create profiles for each author on your WordPress-powered website (in fact, it’s done for you by default). The author…