HOW TO: Track the sports score using Twitter

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Here’s an interesting paradox. Sports (lively, active, outdoor, sweaty) and Twitter (prodominantly indoor, digital, non-verbal, ‘geeky’). Who ever thought that ‘geeks’ liked sport? It seems that many do.

Since the cricket started a few weeks ago, I’ve seen streams of tweets coming in from avid cricket fans, commentating on virtually every play and sharing their thoughts. This is a great way to get the score and the latest info on what’s going on with the game currently being played. Just the other day (before, during and after the Manchester United vs Chelsea soccer game) I saw a tweet congratulating Manchester United and, almost straight after in the same stream, a tweet from another user cheering on Chelsea. What is the common denominator here?

They all had to sit infront of a TV or radio to get the updates. Not anymore.

A few weeks ago, I reviewed Twitterleague, an application using Twitter’s API, created by Ollie Parsley, an avid Twitter user. This time ’round, Ollie brings us two Twitter apps for sports fanatics; RugbyTweets and FootyTweets. Ollie has plans to develop these projects further and include CricketTweets (for all you cricket fanatics out there).

How the above projects works is quite straight forward. You visit the website (either RugbyTweets or FootyTweets at the moment), select the team you’d like to be updated on and follow them on Twitter. That’s it! No more sitting infront of the television, being torn between the big screen and the PC/Mac screen. Get the latest sporting info right in your Twitter stream…where you spend at least a few minutes a day in any case.

These projects definitely show a progression in the use of Twitter as becoming somewhat of a mini RSS reader, allowing websites to share their latest posts and information. The same is being done with RugbyTweets and FootyTweets. Thanks to Ollie for the awesome idea and putting it all together.

How do you like RugbyTweets or FootyTweets? Share your thoughts in the comments.


4 responses to “HOW TO: Track the sports score using Twitter”

  1. This is a pretty cool idea! Can’t wait to see how it works. I’ve already subscribed to Man United’s feed.

    1. Awesome man. Glad you like it. Yeah, Ollie’s work is awesome. ๐Ÿ™‚

      It’d be cool to see these tools expand internationally…Proteas cricket updates in your Twitterstream. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Hello again! Thanks for your kind words. I do plan to go more international with teams and leagues.

    I actually launched the CricketTweets this morning with International teams and UK counties. Basically I have some scripts that crawl various pages for team updates and also use some RSS feeds. That then gets checked every 5mins and posted to over 110 twitter accounts etc.

    If you have any ideas or feedback at all I set up a little forum at ๐Ÿ™‚

    The next site (on top of adding more leagues and teams to the existing 3 sites) is MotorTweets that will be updates for Formula 1 and some others.

    Thanks again for the support ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I really like this Ollie. It’s so straight forward and cool. It’s kind of like one of those “why didn’t I think of that” moments. ๐Ÿ˜›

      CricketTweets will be exciting to watch. South Africa has a keen cricket following community who, I’m pretty certain, will be keen to follow the updates in their Twitterstream. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Thanks again for the awesome project. ๐Ÿ™‚

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