
Hot technologies, advancements in modern technology-driven lifestyle, interesting “fad”s and other tech related news and views.

  • Re-thinking the concept of the “impossible”

    In today’s society, it seems to be a common occurrence to use the word “impossible”. For example, after climbing a mountain, one might say something like; “wow, that was impossible”. No it wasn’t… you just did it. Nowadays we seem to have a tendency to over-exaggerate (pardon the tautology there) and, in many cases, start to believe what…

  • GROW BootCamp 2012 – The Creations

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    At the GROW Academy 2012, Jeff and I have been discussing and showcasing WordPress and what it can do. We’ve been working with the recruits, setting up websites and learning the system. We thought it’d be a cool idea to showcase what the recruits of 2012 have compiled.

  • E-mail is broken

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    While sitting down to write what was likely to be a completely different blog post, I found myself compelled to write this, so here goes… E-mail, as a technology, is broken… and we broke it. E-mail (electronic mail) was originally intended as a means of sending messages digitally in a similar form as a posted…

  • GROW Academy Bootcamp 2012

    This week, Jeff and I will be presenting at our second GROW Academy Bootcamp session. We’ll be discussing “Website Design & Development” with the recruits, running through WordPress and how to setup a website using or The GROW Academy is an initiative to educate and empower the youth of today through technology. The…

  • If This, Then That- put the internet to work for you

    If This, Then That- put the internet to work for you

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    “If this, then that” is a common logic step in programming. Most programmers see this on a regular basis, right from when they start out. It feels comfortable… familiar. While the principle is one used in programming, the concept is also a basic logic construct. Why not apply this same principle in daily Internet life?…

  • Marvel Comics arrive on the iPhone

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    Capes, masks and laserbeam-projecting eyes. Super strength, shape-shifting and characters from throughout history and the future. All this and more exists within the Marvel Multiverse. Yes, you read correctly… multiverse. How could all of this fit into one small device? Believe it or not, the tech geniuses at Marvel Comics have managed to cram all…